在即将毕业之际,十大菠菜台子(Lawrence University)大四学生托米·奥拉敦乔伊(Tomi Oladunjoye)将对音乐和健康的兴趣融入了创业追求中.
Oladunjoye, of Boston, Massachusetts, 打造了一个自我指导的音乐专业,专注于电子音乐和创业精神. He’s in the early stages of launching ZOANYI, a music-focused wellness enterprise that creates, among other things, 声音浴交响曲旨在激发想象力,同时减少压力.
He will present one of his sound bath symphonies, an immersive sonic experience, as part of a show scheduled for 6:30 p.m. June 6 in Stansbury Theater. It 是继今年早些时候他在watch Cinema展示的两场声音浴交响乐体验之后的又一场吗.
“我们创造了声音浴缸交响乐,不仅有冥想的元素, 所以听众可以带着惊奇来,带着平静离开, but also elements to spark imagination,” he said.
奥拉敦乔伊说,他对如何利用自己的音乐来构建增强健康的工具很感兴趣. The launch of ZOANYI and its website 是不是有机会涉足这片水域看看会有什么结果.
Finding a musical path
Oladunjoye 四年前来到劳伦斯,计划通过劳伦斯的一个合作项目攻读工程学. 他痴迷于制造汽车,并认为这可能是他的道路. 然而,他对音乐创作的热爱一直在吸引着他.
“作为十大菠菜台子的一年级学生,我对自己想做的事情有很多想法,”奥拉敦乔伊说. “I was on the football team; I was thinking I wanted to do something with engineering, and I still might; I wanted to be part of Makerspace; I wanted to do something in musical theater. 我想我什么都想做,但我没有一个具体的目标.”
Conversations with Brian Pertl, dean of the Conservatory, 和十大菠菜台子的其他教员帮助他找到了方向. 在十大菠菜台子内外度过的时光激发了她的新兴趣.
“我在COVID期间的空闲时间实际上帮助我看到了我想做的事情,”奥拉敦乔伊说. “我找到了SOL工作室(一个学生在音乐剧中心经营的录音空间),在COVID期间的一个夏天,我几乎每天晚上7点都在那里.m. to about 3 a.m.”
“我意识到我并没有厌倦这些东西,”奥拉敦乔伊说. “I loved making music. 我真的很喜欢通过频率,通过音乐来表达情感的挑战. It just kept evolving from there.”
“Tomi is a student with boundless curiosity, endless drive, and creative ideas that are big, bold, and beautiful,” Pertl said. 劳伦斯对音乐制作的无缝整合, composition, entrepreneurship, 定制的教师支持为Tomi提供了理想的环境,以最大限度地发挥他不可思议的潜力. 在Tomi的劳伦斯之旅中和他一起工作是一件非常愉快的事情.”
Now, as graduation nears, Oladunjoye iS正在尝试将自己的音乐与沉浸式声音浴的推广结合起来, another of his passions.
“Why not use music to inspire creativity in people?” Oladunjoye said. “That’s what artists do. They connect with their fans through their music. 我想通过健康,通过声音浴来实现. Why not use music for good? 我正在尝试创造一种不同的方式来听音乐,更多的是一种服务.”
“I just love learning”
Oladunjoye has worked with Gary Vaughan, 创新与创业讲师,劳伦斯创新与创业项目协调员, and Michael Clayville, 创业研究和社会参与音乐客座助理教授, as he’s explored potential business paths forward.
“If I had it to do over again, 我会告诉大一的自己要紧绷一点,但也要继续想象,” Oladunjoye said. “我认为有一样东西我没有失去——想象力. But one thing I did gain was structure. I believe Lawrence helped me with that. “
他的创业兴趣最终走向何方仍是一个悬而未决的问题. 但走到这一步的过程很激动人心, Oladunjoye said.
“I just love learning,” he said.
奥拉敦乔伊是劳伦斯新引入的 business and entrepreneurship major这是一个向文科倾斜的跨学科项目. 它将为学生们开辟自己进入商业世界的道路提供新的机会, be it in music or elsewhere.
“这里有一些最好的教授,他们真的很关心,”奥拉敦乔伊说. “你去找他们,他们会为你放下一切. They want to see you succeed. I feel that every time I come to them.”